Be The “Perfect Perfectionist”

January 30, 2023

Learn how to overcome the struggles of perfectionism.

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What If Your Fears Come True?

January 2, 2023

How should you deal with all of those “what if’s”?

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Stop Overthinking and Sleep Better

November 17, 2022

Improve your sleep tonight so you can play better tomorrow.

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Athletes Have A Lot To Be Anxious About

September 11, 2022

Anxiety warns you about potential danger. Your response to these warnings determines the quality of your performance.

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Don’t Choke!

June 29, 2022

Find out how to perform under pressure.

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NFL Draft Picks & A Special Message for Christian Athletes

May 9, 2022

Athletes from other faiths are encouraged to see how their religious beliefs may provide guidance for their distress and performance, too.

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You Don’t Need Motivation?

April 13, 2022

Find out how motivation can help…and also hinder your performance.

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New year's resolutions

How To Set New Year’s Resolutions

January 13, 2022

Learn about the right and wrong ways to set your resolutions to set yourself up for success.

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The Benefits Of Perfectionism

December 2, 2021

Learn how it’s possible to become the “perfect perfectionist.”

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How To Be The Perfect Perfectionist

August 31, 2021

Perfectionists generally get better results…up to a point.

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