By: Eddie O'Connor

Athletes Have A Lot To Be Anxious About

September 11, 2022

Anxiety warns you about potential danger. Your response to these warnings determines the quality of your performance.

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Don’t Choke!

June 29, 2022

Find out how to perform under pressure.

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NFL Draft Picks & A Special Message for Christian Athletes

May 9, 2022

Athletes from other faiths are encouraged to see how their religious beliefs may provide guidance for their distress and performance, too.

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You Don’t Need Motivation?

April 13, 2022

Find out how motivation can help…and also hinder your performance.

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New year's resolutions

How To Set New Year’s Resolutions

January 13, 2022

Learn about the right and wrong ways to set your resolutions to set yourself up for success.

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The Benefits Of Perfectionism

December 2, 2021

Learn how it’s possible to become the “perfect perfectionist.”

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How To Be The Perfect Perfectionist

August 31, 2021

Perfectionists generally get better results…up to a point.

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Why I Hate “Get Comfortable With Being Uncomfortable” When Being Held Accountable For Your Goals

June 18, 2021

Be willing to feel the pain and discomfort that is necessary to keep you moving forward.

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The Sports Project – Overcoming Overwhelm with Recovery

May 4, 2021

Following a nutrition plan can be difficult. Here’s how to keep yourself on track.

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Goals For 2021

Checking In On Your Goals For 2021

April 19, 2021

Have you slipped up? Find out how to get back on track (and how to avoid another slip-up in the future.)

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