By: Eddie O'Connor

trauma dumping

Is Trauma Dumping Affecting Your Team’s Dynamic?

July 26, 2024

Understanding trauma dumping and its impact on team dynamics is crucial for fostering a supportive and resilient environment. 

In the world of sports, the strength of a team is not only measured by its physical prowess but also by the psychological well-being of its members.

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extinction psychology

Extinction Psychology: The Real Reason Why We Can Improve At Any Age

July 22, 2024

Extinction psychology isn’t just some fancy term. It’s a powerful tool that can help you improve, no matter where you’re starting from. 

Keep pushing, keep learning, and remember, you’ve got what it takes to succeed!

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quarter life crisis

Quarter Life Crisis: How To Get Unstuck

July 19, 2024

Quarter life crisis! Is this something you’re struggling with?

Feeling stuck in life, unsure about your career, relationships, or where you’re headed? 

It’s a common phase that many young adults go through, but it doesn’t have to hold you back.

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cbt vs act

CBT vs ACT: Which One Will Help You Win the Game?

July 15, 2024

Both CBT and ACT offer unique benefits for athletes, and the best approach depends on your personal style, needs, and the specific challenges you face in your sport. 

Trying out both methods can help you discover what works best for you.

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implicit memory

Implicit Memory: The Key To Winning

July 12, 2024

Implicit memory is the type of memory that operates unconsciously. 

It’s like your brain’s autopilot, helping you perform tasks without having to think about every little detail. 

This is different from explicit memory, where you actively try to remember things, like facts or events. 

With implicit memory, you just do it!

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fear of change

Is Fear of Change Stopping You from Becoming the Best?

July 9, 2024

Fear of change is pretty simple.

It’s the anxiety you feel when faced with new situations. 

New coach? 

New team? 

New training method? 

These can all trigger fear of change. 

It’s normal, but it can be a huge roadblock!

Fear of change often stems from the unknown. 

When things change, we lose our sense of control.

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socially awkward

Socially Awkward? Get the Confidence You Need to Win the Game

July 5, 2024

Being socially awkward in sports isn’t just about feeling shy or nervous. 

It can manifest in various ways, like feeling out of place during team huddles, getting anxious about speaking up, or even avoiding eye contact with your coach or teammates.

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mental resilience training

Mental Resilience Training for Long-Term Athletic Success

July 2, 2024

First things first, what the heck is mental resilience? 

In a nutshell, it’s the ability to bounce back from setbacks, stay motivated, and handle pressure like a pro. 

It’s not about being tough all the time. It’s about being flexible and rolling with the punches.

Mental resilience is like having a mental gym routine.

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speed training

Speed Training Workouts To Get Super Fast

June 28, 2024

Speed training is all about improving how quickly you can move, and it’s not just for pro athletes. 

Whether you’re a weekend warrior or a serious competitor, speed training can take your performance to the next level. 

So, let’s lace up and get started!

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the power of choice

The Power Of Choice: Your Secret Weapon To High Performance

June 24, 2024

Ever wondered what separates the good from the great in sports? 

It’s not just talent or hard work! Though those are pretty important too. 

The secret sauce is something you have complete control over: the power of choice. 

Yeah, you heard that right.

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