Pandemic and Holiday SeasonIn this episode of the Sports Project Radio Show, Steve and Dr. Eddie talk about New Year’s resolutions and how long-term goals may not be helpful or realistic. Yes, have a mission and purpose, but at the same time do not lock in and limit your ability to adapt or adjust to new opportunities and adversity. The challenge is giving up the illusion of control and responding to the realistic experiences of today.

Steve and Dr. Eddie go so far as to suggest that “everyone should experience losing a job” to propel you forward – if you allow yourself to be open to the pain in service of the good that can come from it. Listen to the whole interview for the details on exactly how to do it.

One of the recommendations is to practice “patience and persistence” because you have to keep moving forward to make progress, it doesn’t matter how fast or slow. And if you have lost much, know that you get to build your life according to who you are and what you want today. Maybe the life you had was based on goals and dreams of decades ago? Might this be an opportunity to re-evaluate and set off on a new, more rewarding path?

Listen through the end for exciting details about how the Success Stories membership is being upgraded for launch in February 2021. Click here to get on the waitlist now.