Fans, Athletes, And Expectations Of The Future

Click here to listen to Dr. Eddie’s interview on The Sports Project

In this episode of The Sports Project, Steve and Dr. Eddie discuss …

How fans and athletes are alike in their expectations of the future:

  • Be careful not to get too attached to either the negative or the positive for best performances
  • How the pain of losing has several positive effects


  • How intolerance of mistakes contribute to the development of perfectionism
  • Use mistakes as an opportunity to grow
  • Join Success Stories Membership as we tackle challenges like these (

Advice to players unsure if they will have a season:

  • Keep your attention on what you control (training, recovery, mindset, nutrition and sleep)
  • Increase motivation to train by focusing on your identity (this is what athletes do) rather than the deadlines
  • Beat you opponent by being prepared – this is an opportunity to get ahead
  • How to use the pandemic to develop your strength in adversity by using the “go ahead and look back” exercise

Click here for more information on Dr. Eddie O’Connor’s Success Stories Membership program.