In: Parents

Advice for Sport Parents

March 6, 2023

Use these tools to boost confidence and reduce anxiety in your young athlete.

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loss of a season due to covid-19

Dealing With The Loss Of A Season To COVID-19

November 20, 2020

This is a difficult time for athletes, especially those who have dedicated their entire life to their sport.

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Coronavirus And Sports: How To Cope With The Loss Of A Season

March 17, 2020

You may feel that all is lost, but I encourage you not to sacrifice all that you’ve worked so hard for.

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Setting Boundaries For Teenagers

How To Set Healthy Boundaries For Teenagers

March 14, 2020

As challenging as the task may seem, it IS possible!

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love of the game

How To Increase Your Athlete’s Love Of The Game

February 14, 2020

Does your child love their sport? Find out how to boost their love of the game!

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Avoiding The ‘Parent Trap’

September 14, 2017

How do we avoid the parent trap – taking more away from our child’s abilities than adding to them?

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