Today we’re talking about questions to ask a sports psychologist and what to expect during your first session. 

So, you’re thinking about seeing a sports psychologist? 

Smart move!

It can really boost your game. 

This guide will help you make the most of your first session and know what to expect.

Let’s get into it! 

Why Consider a Sports Psychologist?

Sports psychologists do more than just tackle mental blocks. 

We’re here to help you enhance overall performance. 

Think of us as mental coaches!

We work on your mindset, focus, and resilience.

Dealing with pressure? 

We’ve got strategies. 

Struggling with motivation? 

We can reignite that fire. 

Injuries or slumps? 

We help you bounce back stronger. 

Every athlete faces challenges! We’re here to help you navigate them.

How ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy) Stands Out

With Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), we focus on mindfulness, acceptance, and action. 

It’s a powerful combo for athletes! 

Here’s why ACT is unique and effective:

  1. Teaches you to stay present. No more dwelling on past mistakes or future worries.
  1. Helps you embrace all experiences, even tough ones. This reduces stress and frustration
  1. Focuses on taking actions aligned with your values. This keeps you motivated and purposeful.

By incorporating ACT, we don’t just aim to fix problems. 

We help you build a mindset that thrives under pressure and adapts to challenges. It’s about long-term growth and peak performance.

One important thing to remember is that a sports psychologist’s help isn’t limited to the field, court, or track. 

The skills you learn transfer to all areas of life. Improved focus, stress management, and resilience can benefit school, work, and personal relationships.

And every athlete is unique! 

That’s why we tailor our approach to your specific needs and goals. 

Whether you’re an elite athlete or just starting out, we create a plan that fits you. 

You’re not just another case; you’re a unique individual with specific challenges and strengths.

So, why consider a sports psychologist? 

Because we’re here to help you become the best version of yourself. 

Not just in sports, but in life. 

Ready to level up? 

Let’s do this!

Preparing for Your First Session

Getting ready for your first session with a sports psychologist? 


Here’s how to make the most of it.

First, come in with an open mind. 

Be curious and ready to learn. 

This isn’t just about fixing problems. It’s about growing and reaching your full potential. 

A positive, open attitude will set the stage for success.

Before your session, take some time to reflect. 

Think about your goals, challenges, and recent experiences. 

Write them down. 

Here are some prompts to get you started:

  • What do you want to achieve? Short-term and long-term.
  • What obstacles are you facing? Mental blocks, stress, lack of focus?
  • Any recent games or practices that stood out? Good or bad.

Honesty is key! 

Be open about your struggles and fears. 

This helps us create a tailored plan that works for you. 

Don’t hold back! 

The more we know, the better we can help.

Then think about any specific questions to ask a sports psychologist, or concerns you might have. 

Here are a few ideas:

  • What do you hope to gain from these sessions?
  • Are there specific mental skills you want to improve?
  • Have you worked with a sports psychologist before? What was that experience like?
  • Are there particular situations where you feel you underperform?

Practical Preparations

Know where the session is and how to get there. Arrive a few minutes early to settle in.

Wear comfortable clothing. You might be doing some light physical activities.

Bring a notebook and pen. Writing specific questions to ask a sports psychologist, alongside taking notes can help you remember key points and exercises.

Understand that progress takes time. 

It’s not about quick fixes! 

We’re working towards sustainable, long-term improvements. Be patient with yourself and the process.

This is a safe space! 

There’s no judgment here. 

Just come as you are and be ready to explore new ways to enhance your performance.

Preparing well for your first session sets a solid foundation. 

You’re already taking a significant step towards becoming a better athlete and person. 

Ready to get started? Let’s do this!

questions to ask a sports psychologist

Questions to Ask a Sports Psychologist During Your First Session

Here are some key questions to ask. They’ll help you understand how we can work together and what to expect.

ACT-Specific Questions to Ask a Sports Psychologist

  • How do you use ACT in sports psychology? 

Understanding how ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy) is applied can give you a clear picture of the techniques we’ll use.

  • How does mindfulness and acceptance help in sports?

Learn how staying present and accepting your experiences can enhance your performance and resilience.

  • Can you give examples of ACT in action with athletes? 

Real-life examples can show you the practical benefits and outcomes.

General Questions to Ask a Sports Psychologist

  • What should I expect from our sessions? 

Get a sense of the structure and flow of the sessions to know what you’re in for.

  • How do you tailor your approach to different athletes? 

Understand how the psychologist customizes strategies to fit individual needs.

  • What does success look like in your sessions? 

This helps you set realistic expectations and understand the markers of progress.

  • How do you handle setbacks or plateaus? 

Knowing how setbacks are managed can reassure you that it’s part of the process.

  • How often should I see you? 

Determine the frequency of sessions to plan your schedule accordingly.

  • Do you give homework or exercises to do between sessions? 

Find out if there are activities you’ll need to practice outside of sessions.

  • What’s your experience with athletes in my sport? 

Ensure the psychologist has relevant experience and understands your sport’s unique demands.

  • How do we measure progress? 

Learn about the tools and methods used to track your improvement.

  • What kind of time commitment am I looking at? 

Understand the duration and intensity of the commitment required.

  • Can you help with pre-game routines? 

Ask about developing routines that boost your confidence and performance before competitions.

  • How do you incorporate feedback into the process? 

Learn how your input is used to adapt and refine the strategies.

  • What are common goals for athletes you work with? 

This can give you ideas for setting your own goals.

  • How do you deal with performance anxiety? 

Get specific techniques for managing nerves and staying calm under pressure.

  • What if I feel like I’m not making progress? 

Discuss what steps will be taken if you feel stuck or unmotivated.

  • Can we address issues outside of sports, like school or family stress? 

Find out if the psychologist can help with broader life challenges that impact your performance.

Digging Deeper And More Questions to Ask A Sports Psychologist

  • What are your thoughts on visualization techniques? 

Understand how mental imagery can play a role in your training.

  • Can you help me with my focus during games? 

Discuss strategies to maintain concentration and avoid distractions.

  • What are some common mental traps athletes fall into? 

Learn about pitfalls to watch out for and how to avoid them.

These questions to ask a sports psychologist will help you get a comprehensive understanding of how a sports psychologist can assist you. 

Don’t be shy!

This is your time to get all the info you need. 

Let’s make this first session count!

What to Expect in Your First Session

Walking into your first session with a sports psychologist can be both exciting and a bit nerve-wracking. 

Here’s what you can expect to put your mind at ease and help you make the most of it.

In the beginning, we’ll spend time getting to know each other. 

I’ll ask about your background, sports history, and current challenges. 

This helps me understand where you’re coming from and what you hope to achieve. 

Be ready to share:

  • How did you get into your sport? What have been the high and low points?
  • How do you feel about your recent performances? Any specific incidents you’d like to discuss?
  • What do you think are your biggest strengths and weaknesses?

Next, we’ll set the groundwork for our work together. This involves:

  • We’ll discuss what you want to achieve, both short-term and long-term. Clear goals help us stay focused and measure progress.
  • We’ll talk about what’s been holding you back. Understanding these obstacles is key to overcoming them.
  • I’ll explain what you can expect from our sessions and what I expect from you. Mutual understanding is crucial for a successful partnership.

Then I’ll introduce you to the basics of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). This includes:

  • Simple practices to help you stay present and focused. These might include breathing exercises or guided imagery.
  • Strategies to help you accept and work through difficult thoughts and feelings without letting them derail your performance.
  • Identifying your core values and how they can guide your actions and decisions in sports and beyond.

You’ll also get hands-on with some initial exercises and techniques. These are practical tools you can start using right away. They might include:

  • Practicing being present in the moment, which can help improve focus and reduce anxiety.
  • Learning to visualize success and prepare mentally for competitions.
  • Breaking down your big goals into manageable steps.

Feedback is a vital part of the process. I’ll be looking for your input on:

  • Was it helpful? Were there any parts that felt particularly relevant or irrelevant?
  • Are you comfortable with the exercises and techniques? Do you have any concerns?
  • Based on your feedback, we’ll adjust our approach to better suit your needs.

Our work together is dynamic. We’ll continuously adapt based on what’s working and what’s not. 

This means that we will have frequent discussions about your progress and any challenges you’re facing. Also we will be adjusting exercises and strategies to better fit YOUR evolving needs. 

We will also acknowledge and celebrate your successes, now matter how small. 

Your first session is just the beginning!

It’s a chance to set the stage for meaningful progress.

By coming prepared and open, you’re already taking a big step towards achieving your athletic goals.

10 Common Misconceptions About Sports Psychology and ACT

Sports psychology and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) are often misunderstood. 

Let’s clear up some of these misconceptions to give you a better idea of what to expect and how they can truly benefit you.

Misconception 1: It’s Only for “Mental Issues”

A common misconception is that sports psychology is only for athletes with severe mental issues. 

Not true! 

Sports psychology is for anyone looking to enhance performance, build resilience, and achieve their full potential. 

It’s not just about fixing problems. It’s about thriving!

Misconception 2: ACT is the Same as Traditional Therapy

ACT is different from traditional therapy. 

Traditional therapy often focuses on changing or eliminating negative thoughts and feelings. ACT, on the other hand, focuses on accepting these thoughts and feelings and committing to actions aligned with your values. 

It’s about working with your mind, not against it.

Misconception 3: You Have to Be an Elite Athlete

You don’t have to be a professional or elite athlete to benefit from sports psychology. 

Athletes at all levels, from beginners to seasoned pros, can gain valuable insights and skills. 

The principles of sports psychology and ACT are universal and can be tailored to your unique situation.

Misconception 4: It’s a Quick Fix

Some people think sports psychology offers quick fixes. 

In reality, it’s about long-term growth and development. 

Just like physical training, mental training requires time, effort, and consistency. 

Progress can be gradual, and setbacks are part of the journey.

Misconception 5: It’s Just About Positive Thinking

While positive thinking can be beneficial, sports psychology and ACT go much deeper.

It’s not just about thinking positively. It’s about developing a resilient mindset, enhancing focus, and committing to actions that lead to success. 

ACT emphasizes accepting all experiences, even difficult ones, and taking meaningful action.

questions to ask a sports psychologist

Misconception 6: It’s Only for Individual Sports

Sports psychology isn’t limited to individual athletes. 

Teams can also benefit significantly. 

Techniques like ACT can improve team dynamics, communication, and collective resilience. 

Whether you’re a solo athlete or part of a team, these strategies can help you perform better together.

Misconception 7: It’s All About Competition

While a lot of sports psychology focuses on competition, it also covers other areas. 

Training, recovery, injury management, and even balancing life and sport are all important aspects. 

The mental skills you develop can enhance every part of your athletic journey.

Misconception 8: It’s Not Scientific

Sports psychology and ACT are grounded in scientific research. 

They are evidence-based practices proven to enhance performance and well-being. 

You’re not just getting vague advice! 

You’re receiving strategies backed by extensive studies and real-world application.

Misconception 9: It’s Too Expensive

Cost can be a concern, but think of it as an investment in your future. 

Many athletes find that the benefits far outweigh the costs. 

Plus, there are various options and resources available, including group sessions, workshops, and online programs.

Misconception 10: It’s Just for Young Athletes

Sports psychology isn’t just for young, aspiring athletes. 

Athletes of all ages, including veterans and those transitioning out of sports, can benefit. 

The skills and techniques learned can support a lifelong commitment to health, fitness, and personal growth.

Understanding these misconceptions helps set the stage for realistic expectations. 

Sports psychology and ACT offer powerful tools to enhance your athletic performance and personal well-being. 

By approaching them with an open mind and a willingness to learn, you’re setting yourself up for success. 

Ready to get started? 

Let’s make it happen!

7. Long-Term Benefits of Working with a Sports Psychologist

Working with a sports psychologist can have profound and lasting effects on your athletic career and personal life. 

Here’s a deeper dive into the long-term benefits you can expect.

Enhanced Performance

One of the most immediate benefits is improved performance. 

By developing mental skills such as focus, resilience, and stress management, you can:

  1. Learn techniques to maintain concentration during high-stakes moments.
  1. Achieve a more consistent level of performance, reducing the frequency of slumps.
  1. Enhance the quality and effectiveness of your training sessions.

Improved Mental Toughness

Mental toughness is crucial for overcoming challenges and bouncing back from setbacks:

  1. Build the ability to recover quickly from defeats or mistakes.
  1. Learn to handle the pressures of competition and training without becoming overwhelmed.
  1. Develop strategies to manage emotions effectively, preventing them from negatively impacting performance.

Better Coping Strategies

Injuries, losses, and personal issues can take a toll on any athlete. 

Working with a sports psychologist provides you with:

  1. Techniques to deal with stress, anxiety, and frustration in a constructive way.
  1. Mental strategies to support physical recovery and maintain a positive outlook during rehabilitation.
  1. Skills to balance the demands of sports, school, work, and personal life.

Enhanced Motivation and Goal Setting

Staying motivated and setting realistic, achievable goals is vital for long-term success:

  1. Learn to set and pursue clear, actionable goals that keep you motivated.
  1. Develop a deeper understanding of your internal drivers and how to stay motivated even when external rewards are lacking.
  1. Work on creating a roadmap for your athletic career and beyond.

Improved Team Dynamics

For team athletes, sports psychology can greatly enhance team performance and cohesion:

  1. Improve your ability to communicate effectively with coaches and teammates.
  1. Learn what it takes to be a positive and effective leader within your team.
  1. Develop strategies to enhance teamwork and build a supportive team environment.

Lifelong Skills

The skills you develop in sports psychology sessions extend beyond your athletic career:

These skills are valuable in academic, professional, and personal contexts.

Techniques for managing stress and maintaining mental well-being can benefit all areas of your life.

Gain insights into yourself, your values, and how to live a fulfilling life aligned with those values.

The benefits of working with a sports psychologist are extensive and far-reaching. 

From enhanced performance and mental toughness to lifelong skills and personal growth, the impact can be profound. 

Ready to start your journey towards peak performance and personal excellence? 

Let’s get to work!


Working with a specialized sports psychologist can be a game-changer for athletes at any level. 

Whether you’re looking to enhance performance, build mental toughness, or develop lifelong skills, the benefits are immense and far-reaching. These questions to ask a sports psychologist will definitely help you determine if you’re a good fit to work together.

Also, by incorporating Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), we focus on mindfulness, acceptance, and action, providing a holistic approach to mental training.

If you’re serious about taking your athletic performance to the next level, consider the Success Stories Membership

This platform offers access to specific training materials designed to help you achieve high performance and reach your training and competition goals. 

It’s the best place to start working with a sports psychologist and gain the tools you need for sustained success.

Join the Success Stories Membership today and embark on your journey towards peak performance and personal excellence. 

Let’s unlock your full potential together!