‘Hang in there’… we’ve all heard this multiple times… but do you know when it is time to quit?

We’ve all been there! 

You’re at the brink of quitting! 

Everything feels like it’s crumbling down. 

But, hang in there! 

This isn’t just another motivational speech. 

It’s about understanding when to push through and when to step back. 

As a sports psychologist specializing in ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy), I’ve seen it all.

The Struggle is Real

Everyone hits tough times!

Injuries, losing streaks, and burnout are common. 

It’s normal to feel like giving up. 

Remember that famous athlete who almost quit before their big break? 

Hang in there, because it’s more common than you think.

Everyone hits tough times. Injuries, losing streaks, and burnout are common. 

It’s normal to feel like giving up. 

Remember that famous athlete who almost quit before their big break? 

Hang in there, because it’s more common than you think!

Picture this: you’ve been training for months, but injuries keep setting you back. 

Or maybe you’re on a losing streak, and nothing seems to go right. 

The burnout from constant pressure can be overwhelming. 

You’re not alone! 

These struggles are a rite of passage for many athletes. 

Hang in there, because pushing through these times can lead to the most significant breakthroughs.

Let’s talk about mental fatigue. 

Sometimes, your mind just feels done. 

The grind, the expectations, the relentless pursuit of perfection, it all takes a toll. 

You start questioning everything. 

Is it worth it? 

Am I cut out for this? 

These doubts are natural! 

Hang in there, because they can also be the catalyst for growth and self-discovery.

Then there’s the emotional rollercoaster!

The highs of winning and the crushing lows of defeat. 

It’s a wild ride that can mess with your head. 

But here’s the thing: every great athlete has faced these emotional battles. 

Hang in there, because learning to ride this rollercoaster can make you stronger and more resilient.

Friends and family might not always get it!

They see your struggle and might suggest quitting for your own good. 

While they mean well, only you can decide what’s best for you. 

It’s your journey, your passion! 

Hang in there, and trust your own judgment. 

You know yourself better than anyone else.

So, yes, the struggle is real. But it’s also where true champions are forged. 

Hang in there, because this challenging phase could be the foundation for your greatest achievements.

The ACT Approach

So, what’s ACT? 

It’s short for Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

This therapy focuses on mindfulness, acceptance, and commitment to values. 

It’s powerful in sports. ACT helps athletes deal with stress and tough decisions by teaching them to hang in there.

ACT isn’t about eliminating difficult feelings. 

Instead, it’s about accepting them and moving forward anyway. 

This is a game-changer for athletes. 

By acknowledging pain, frustration, and doubt, you can learn to coexist with these feelings rather than letting them control you. 

Hang in there, because learning to manage these emotions is crucial for long-term success.

Mindfulness is a big part of ACT

It involves staying present and fully engaging with the here and now. 

For athletes, this means focusing on the current play, the current match, or the current training session. 

It’s about letting go of past mistakes and not worrying about future outcomes. 

Hang in there, and practice being in the moment. 

This can drastically improve your performance and reduce anxiety.

Acceptance is another key element. 

This doesn’t mean you have to like or want difficult experiences, but rather, you acknowledge their presence. 

By doing so, you stop wasting energy fighting against them. 

For example, an injury might derail your training plan. Instead of spiraling into frustration, accept that it’s part of your journey. 

Hang in there, because acceptance can free up mental resources to focus on recovery and what you can control.

Commitment to values is the final piece. 

Knowing what truly matters to you keeps you grounded and motivated. 

Your values act as a compass, guiding you through tough times. 

Whether it’s dedication, teamwork, or personal growth, staying committed to your values helps you persevere. 

Hang in there, because staying true to your values will provide clarity and direction, even when things get tough.

ACT also includes practical exercises and techniques. 

These might involve identifying and articulating your values, practicing mindfulness, or learning to defuse from unhelpful thoughts. 

By regularly engaging in these practices, you build mental resilience. 

Hang in there, and incorporate these techniques into your routine. 

They can make a significant difference in how you handle stress and setbacks.

So, the ACT approach is about accepting what you can’t change, committing to your values, and staying present. 

Hang in there, because with these tools, you can navigate the ups and downs of your athletic journey with greater ease and confidence.

When to Push Through

Sometimes, you need to keep going. 

Signs to keep going include passion, improvement, and support. 

Building resilience is key! 

Use techniques like positive self-talk and visualization. 

Hang in there because your breakthrough might be just around the corner!

Look for the sparks of passion! 

If you still feel excitement and love for your sport, it’s a good sign to push through. 

That passion is your inner fire! 

Even if it flickers, it means there’s still something worth fighting for. 

Hang in there, and let your passion guide you.

Improvement, even small, is another sign. 

Progress might be slow, but if you’re seeing any positive changes, it’s worth continuing. 

Track your progress, celebrate small victories, and stay motivated by acknowledging your growth. 

Hang in there, because every small step forward is a step closer to your goal.

Support from coaches, teammates, friends, or family can also indicate it’s time to persevere. 

If you have a strong support network encouraging you, lean on them!

Their belief in you can fuel your journey. 

Hang in there, and draw strength from those who believe in your potential.

Building resilience is essential. 

This mental toughness helps you bounce back from setbacks and stay focused on your goals. 

Use positive self-talk to reinforce your confidence. 

Tell yourself, “I can do this,” and “I’ve overcome challenges before.” 

Visualization is another powerful tool. 

Picture yourself succeeding, achieving your goals, and thriving in your sport. 

Hang in there, because these mental practices can boost your resilience and determination.

Another key factor is your long-term vision

Sometimes, short-term struggles are necessary for long-term success. 

Reflect on your goals and dreams. 

Are they still important to you? 

If they are, then pushing through the tough times is worth it. 

Hang in there, because staying focused on your long-term vision can provide the motivation you need.

Listen to your body and mind! 

If they signal that you can still push a bit more without causing harm, trust that. 

Pushing through doesn’t mean ignoring pain or burnout, it means recognizing when you have the capacity to keep going. 

It’s a delicate balance, but your intuition often knows best. 

Hang in there, and trust yourself.

Finally, remember that every athlete faces challenges. 

It’s part of the journey!

Those who succeed aren’t necessarily the most talented, but often the ones who refuse to give up. 

They hang in there through the tough times, knowing that persistence often leads to success.

So, when faced with adversity, look for the signs to push through. 

Whether it’s passion, improvement, support, or resilience, these indicators can help guide your decision. 

Hang in there, and you might find that your greatest achievements are on the other side of the struggle.

Knowing When to Quit

Recognizing limits is just as important. 

Sometimes, quitting is the best decision! 

Look at the long-term perspective. 

Make an informed choice about quitting. 

It’s okay to step back if it means preserving your well-being. 

Understanding your physical limits is crucial! 

Injuries and chronic pain can be signs that it’s time to stop. 

Pushing through physical pain might seem brave, but it can lead to long-term damage. 

Listen to your body. 

Consult with medical professionals and consider their advice seriously. 

Sometimes, the bravest thing you can do is to step back and heal. Prioritizing your health is never a wrong decision.

Mental health is just as important!

Persistent stress, anxiety, and depression can be indicators that it’s time to reevaluate your path. 

If your sport is causing more harm than good mentally, it might be time to quit. 

It’s vital to address these issues before they escalate. 

Seek support from a sports psychologist or counselor. Remember that mental well-being is key to overall happiness.

Consider your values and goals! 

If your sport no longer aligns with what you value or where you see your future, it might be time to move on. 

Your priorities can change, and that’s okay. 

Reflect on what truly matters to you and if your current path is helping you achieve that. Trust that aligning with your values will lead you to fulfillment.

Evaluate your support system! 

If you feel isolated or unsupported, it can be a sign to reconsider your path. 

A strong network of friends, family, and mentors is essential for any journey. 

If you lack this support, it might be worth exploring new environments or communities that align better with your needs. 

Hang in there, and find the right people who can support your journey.

Sometimes, quitting opens doors to new opportunities. 

It’s not the end but a new beginning. 

Quitting one sport might lead you to discover a new passion or career. 

Many successful people have pivoted and found greater happiness and success in a different field. View quitting not as failure but as a step toward new possibilities.

Reflect on your overall happiness and satisfaction. 

If your sport is causing more misery than joy, it might be time to quit. 

Life is too short to spend it unhappy. 

Pursuing a sport or career should bring you joy and fulfillment. 

If it’s not, don’t be afraid to make a change. Prioritizing your happiness is a sign of strength, not weakness.

Finally, remember that quitting isn’t the end of your story!

It’s just a chapter!

Many athletes have found success and happiness after stepping away from their sport. 

They’ve pursued new dreams, built new careers, and found new passions. Trust that your journey will continue in new and exciting ways.

So, recognizing when to quit is crucial for your overall well-being. 

Whether it’s physical, mental, or emotional reasons, stepping back can be the best decision. 

Know that quitting is sometimes the strongest and most courageous choice you can make.


To recap, know when to push through and when to step back. 

It’s all about self-awareness and sticking to your values. Now, here’s something that can help: the Success Stories Membership

This platform offers training on achieving high performance. 

You’ll learn skills like mindfulness, letting go, and resilience

It’s a great way to hang in there and transform your athletic journey. 

Join us and see the difference for yourself.

Remember, whether you decide to keep going or take a step back, it’s all part of the journey. 

Hang in there!